The Unix stream socket connection follows the same set of calls as that of a stream connection as used for a internet protocol (AF_INET) stream socket connection. The connection process is provided below The structures that are used in an Unix domain stream socket differ from the internet protocol (AF_INET) stream socket connection. Also, in […]
Socket based IPC – Unix Domain Sockets
Unix domain sockets are used as a means for Inter-Process communication within the same host/operating system. The Unix domain socket uses the AF_UNIX as the Domain and can use SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_SEQPACKET as the socket type. The different socket types will be discussed in a different articles. The next set of articles deals with […]
Analyzing the UDP Socket connection
The UDP socket example is provided at this link here. The initial part of the code on the server side is to create a UDP socket. Note the type field which is set to SOCK_DGRAM (as opposed to SOCK_STREAM in a stream socket connection). if (0 > (sock_udp_server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))) { […]