The connected UDP socket code example can be found here. An interesting things about this socket connection is that there is no accept/listen API on the server side as is present in a TCP stream socket. In an UDP socket, normally the client does not use connect API (though it can) but in this socket […]
The Connected UDP Socket Code Example
Some interesting aspects of the code for an UDP connected socket code are as below Both bind to their respective endpoints Both endpoints invoke connect command to connect to one another both know the endpoint that they are going to connect to The client port chosen in the sample code is 50001 and the server […]
The Connected UDP socket code – setup
To Test the connected UDP socket code on the same host system, we need to setup two distinct endpoints so that we can test the code on the same host system. Check the interface by running the command “ifconfig” on the linux terminal. Part output on my test system is provided below. (Note – the […]