The Interrupt service routine handles an interrupt in the Linux Kernel. The interrupt service routine for the Interrupt is registered using the “request_irq” API. The IRQ can be released using the “free_irq” API.
- The “handler” function pointer parameter in the request_irq API is the handler of the interrupt,
- The “irq” parameter is the interrupt request line that the driver is requesting
- The “flags” parameter indicate the different options that the interrupt request line should be provided
- The “dev_name” is the name of the the interrupt line will show in /proc/interrupts.
- The “dev_id” is a unique identifier for the interrupt and is relevant specifically when interrupt lines are shared, in order to figure out a specific interrupt generated in the CPU belongs to which specific driver. it is also a parameter that is used when the irq line is freed.
A few different “flag” options are provided below:
- IRQF_DISABLED – handlers run with all interrupts disabled on the local processor
- IRQF_SHARED – The flag indicates that the “irq line” is shared with other handlers
- IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM – This flag specifies that interrupts generated by this device should contribute to the kernel entropy pool
- IRQF_TIMER – if set the irq handler processes interrupts for Linux timer
There are other “irq APIs” and the below link provides an excellent link for the same
we will look at an ISR program written to handle keyboard interrupt in the next article
- References
Interrupt Services Routine (ISR) – Keyboard Interrupt Example
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